Honour Thy Body

The Power of Buzzwords

Buzzwords are a form of mental prompts that empower you to look to yourself for answers and propel you to action in a positive and proactive way. With May upon us, and as nature is starting anew, I thought to inspire you with this buzzword from my book’s Health section. Our health and well-being are vital elements for a happy and fulfilling life. For us to flourish, we must do everything we can to nurture our bodies. With this buzzword, direct your mind to making your health a top priority in your life.

This month’s buzzword is:

Honour Thy Body

We only get one body in a lifetime. When we are young, we think we are invincible and that the choices we make will not have any impact, but we are wrong. Everything we do affects this intricate vessel we call our body. We need to appreciate all it can do and find the balance and harmony that is important to our daily living. Our bodies are amazing, but there comes a time when they struggle with the available 24/7 social media, long working hours and related stress, and the lack of regular, nutritious food and much-needed rest to recuperate. We are pushing our bodies past their limits, which will invariably create problems. The buzzword “Honour Thy Body” is a reminder that we need to respect and nurture our bodies, and by living within those limits, we will bring balance and harmony to our lives.